On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 09:01:58 -0700, Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 08:26:44 -0600, Bill Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I'm new to the list and MythTV!
> >
> >
> >  My goal is to build a PVR that's not much (if any) larger than an average
> > VCR, has the power necessary to really do the job, but also has low noise
> > and doesn't generate excessive heat.
> >
> >  I'm looking for pointers on a mobo and case that will get the job done.
> > Cost matters less than hitting the noise, heat, and size targets because I
> > plan to take my time and buy components over a period of months.
> >  
> I use this case here.
> http://www.mythonsuse.org/index.php/Master_Frontend/Backend_hardware
>  My wife loves it cause it's only just a little bigger than the VCR.
> It's full size so the PVR 350 fits in with no problem.   I have an
> micro Atx motherboard and intel P4.   My only complaint is that the
> processor fan is VERY loud. remidiable by purchasing a quieter fan.  I
> had an AMD mobo combo in this case earlier this year and it was wisper
> quiet so i know it wasnt the case.

I have that same case, but I would recommend replacing the power
supply.  The loudest thing in my case now is the fsb fan on my

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