It's in my listings as well, that's not the issue. Despite being in my listings, and on et al, I'm getting Paid Programming in its place. I'm hoping someone can set it to record in their local market and tell me if they're seeing the same thing.

I recorded from 5-8AM today - no Inhale, despite it being listed in the 6-7 timeslot.


Mike Jasper wrote:
Yep, it shows up on my Oxygen listing.  It's listed at 6 AM every morning from 
Jan 24 to Feb 2.

Can anyone out there who receives Oxygen Media confirm that Inhale still shows in the morning? It's an hour-long yoga show that was once canceled, recently brought back, and now seems to have disappeared despite its continuing presence in my daily listings.

It normally plays @ either 5 or 6 AM depending on which market you're in. Would someone mind scheduling a recording of an episode and seeing if it actually records? I keep getting crappy infomercials in its place.

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