On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 06:56:28AM -0600, Footer wrote:
> The main question I have is how can I tell if I've reached the limit
> of the capture card vs. the video card?  Regular satellite or local
> channel broadcasts viewed directly from the receiver (hooked up with
> component video) look slightly better than through the Myth setup
> which is the FX5200P hooked up via DVI (live TV coming from the
> PVR-250 capture).

Only slightly better?  You're doing pretty well.  Many people report
the rendering of SDTV recordings onto an HDTV via pvr-250 -> computer
output to be dreadful in comparison.  There was a thread just 2 days
ago on this.

>     SubSection "Display"
>          Viewport   0 0
>          Depth     24
>          Modes    "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
>     EndSubSection

This is an odd set of modes for a Samsung DLP.  While none of us have
been able to get 1920x1080i to work with the FX 5200 over DVI, why
are you not using 1280x720p or something similar?
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