I have a Sony KV-27HS420 HDTV and an ATI Radeon 9700 AIW Pro, and I'm 
trying to configure X such that my display works with the DVI/HDMI 
interface.  I used read-edid | parse-edid to obtain the modeline 
settings below.  Mode 720x480 works well so long I don't switch to 
different inputs on the TV.  If I do, the display sometimes becomes 
partially corrupted.  Mode 1920x540 does not work and it appears that 
the TV wants to horizontally squash the image, even though it is 
solid black.  I'm not sure why the EDID information says "1920x540" 
instead of "1920x1080".  I haven't been able to find any 1080i 
modelines that work either.  The display's native resolution is 

Does anyone have any experience they would like to share?

$ read-edid | parse-edid

Section "Monitor"
 # Block type: 2:0 3:fc
 Identifier "SONY TV"
 VendorName "SNY"
 ModelName "SONY TV"
 # Block type: 2:0 3:fc
 # Block type: 2:0 3:fd
 HorizSync 15-46
 VertRefresh 59-61
 # Max dot clock (video bandwidth) 80 MHz
 # DPMS capabilities: Active off:no  Suspend:no  Standby:no

 Mode  "1920x540" # vfreq 60.053Hz, hfreq 33.750kHz
  DotClock 74.250000
  HTimings 1920 2008 2052 2200
  VTimings 540 542 547 562
  Flags "Interlace" "+HSync" "+VSync"
 Mode  "720x480" # vfreq 59.940Hz, hfreq 31.469kHz
  DotClock 27.000000
  HTimings 720 736 798 858
  VTimings 480 489 495 525
  Flags "-HSync" "-VSync"
 # Block type: 2:0 3:fc
 # Block type: 2:0 3:fd


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