On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Andy Long wrote:

> Well, for me at least, I was able to find a (sloppy, but pretty easy)
> workaround for it.  I've posted to the list and never really got a
> response.  FYI, I'm running FC3, Kernel 2.6.10-1.741_FC1 using the
> mythtv 0.16 (whatever one was avialable via apt-get).  Maybe one of
> the new CVS fixes this, but I'm still a n00b and not comfortable
> messing with that yet.

I seem to be having an issue with the remote. Only a few buttons seem to
take any action. The only ones that seem to do a thing are the 'Go' and
'i' buttons. Pressing the 'i' button did change the channel during LiveTV.

Will test with another recording in the next hour.


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