Travis Osterman wrote:

It would be usefull if you did put in some more verbose answers.

Here is a recap of what I have tried without success:

I have tried restarting both mythbackend and mysql.
I have have rebooted (several times)
I have tried running mythsetup as both root and as mythtv without change
I have looked at the logs for mysql (all three) and mythbackend, the
output of which I posted previously in this thread.
I have unmerged and re-emerged qt without change.
I have deleted the contents of /var/lib/mysql/* and reran the
mysql_install_db script followed by mysql -u root -p*** <
I have verified the status of the mythconverg database in mysql using
webmin (ie: a database but no tables.
I have verified that the env var QTDIR points to /usr/qt/3
I have added qt to my USE list and unmerged/re-emerged mysql.
I have rebuilt qt with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86"

Once upon a time I played a bit with "~x86". After having to reinstall a couple times I quit except for specific packages. At any rate I didn't need to do unstable/development so i'm pretty sure you shouldn't. My USE variable is:

USE="sdk cups foomaticdb ppds usb X kde alsa dvd nls cjk ipv6 samba ooo-kde network mysql"

I suppose you could try that for a bit and remove mysql, qt, mythtv and then remerge mythtv which should catch them all. You might want to add qt to the use variable as well to be on the safe side.

At any rate I'm about out of obvious ideas. On rare occasions I have managed to mess up a gentoo installation enough that the only good way I could think of to straighten out the mess was to compile the system from scratch. Its usually not necessary, but occasionally wierd stuff happens, although I somehow doubt that is required here..

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