
I've got the same card. You have to configure tv-out in xorg.conf

I havent gotten it 100% right either, but if you look at the NVIDIA driver's (You did install them right?) howto, you'll find references how this works.


Michael S. Ritterbusch wrote:

Need help with Live TV under Myth…

I had everything working great (with built-in Intel video) until I needed to put in a video card with TV Out (being a GeForce FX-5200. After doing the original install based upon Jarod’s HowTo, went back through and made the modifications regarding the nvidia specific items..

Here are a couple of trouble-shooting steps I’ve done so far:

1. TV via “mplayer /dev/video” works fine, etc.
2. When trying to play Live TV, get audio fine
3. When trying to escape out of blank screen with audio, audio stops but no return to anything. X starts to run at ~99% in top. (have to kill X to return to anything)

4. Playback of video files appear to work fine
5. No unusual messages in /var/log/messages


Intel 865 mb, Celeron 2.4

GeForce FX 5200 AGP

PVR-250 Tuner/Capture

Fedora Core 3 (2.6.10-1.741_FC3)

Also, as a second item (but 2^nd priority at this point) is that the SVideo port works during boot up, but the video is off freq/config when it switches to graphics mode. Any input on this appreciated as well.

Best regards & TIA,



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