> I got the GUI offset to work under KDE by ticking the display
> mythfrontend in a window box. When it's full-screen it doesn't want to
> move.  Of course the window's title bar at the top gets in the way
> (but with the right amount of overscan you can get around that too) as
> it doesn't seem to accept negative values for the vertical offset.

Personally, I don't even use a WM.  Since I do all diagnostics from a
remote shell, I don't need to work with the machine. My .xinitrc is
something like:


.. and that's it.  Notice, no & at the end -- if mythfrontend dies
(but that never happens, no siree! ;) ), the user will log off, and,
since I have GDM auto-logging in the mythtv user, right back on.

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

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