Not sure off the top of my head.  I think some shows are recorded in
480x480 and some in 704(?)x480.  As for bitrates, that I can't
remember.  I'll have to check when I get home.  I could never get a
clear understanding of ratio of resolution to bitrate and what I
should set them to respectively.  However, whatever you guys recommend
I'll do.  I'd like to be able to at least fit 4 30 min shows on, or 2
one hour shows, at the bare minimum.  This is regular cable broadcast
and not HDTV and it's being recorded with a PVR-250.

I started a process with nuvexport last night, we'll see how that
goes.  But again, I'm still looking for solutions that might be
better/different/easier.  I really like how MythBurnDVD works (menu
creation, etc) but the sound just doesn't work.

Also, does anything address AC3 sound?

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:25:42 -0500, Bruce Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 09:16:26PM -0600, M S wrote:
> > > Hi,  I know this is has been asked before, but I can't seem to find
> > > the right answer.  I want an _easy_ solution to backup shows to DVDs,
> >
> > Here's my solution.  Works only with MPEG2 data from a PVR-x50 card,
> > but does not require re-encoding.
> What values do you have for your record settings?
> (bitrate, resolution, etc.)?
> Thanks,
> - BS
> > For each file:
> >
> >   mkfifo dvdmpegn
> >   replex -i PS -v 0xe0 -a 0xc0 -k -t DVD -o dvdmpegn n.nuv &
> >
> > Then:
> >
> >   mkdir DVD
> >   dvdauthor -o DVD dvdmpeg1 [.. dvdmpegn]
> >   dvdauthor -T -o DVD
> >
> >   test DVD with ogle
> >
> >   (audio warnings are harmless)
> >
> >   Burn with:
> >
> >   nice -n -20 growisofs -Z /dev/hdc -dvd-compat -dvd-video -udf DVD
> > ----------------------------------------
> > For MPEG-2, with requant (to reduce size):
> >
> >   mkfifo vid
> >   mkfifo aud
> >   mkfifo demux.mv2
> >   mkfifo demux0.mp2
> >   replex --demux -i PS -v 0xe0 -a 0xc0 -k -o demux brokaw.nuv &
> >   cat demux.mv2 | buffer -s 50k -m30m | tcrequant -f 1.33 | buffer -m10m 
> > >vid &
> >   cat demux0.mp2 | buffer -s 50k -m30m | cat | buffer -m10m >aud &
> >   mplex -f 8 -V -o dvdmpeg aud vid &
> >   dvdauthor -o DVD dvdmpeg
> >
> >   burn as above
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