On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 23:42:55 -0500, Michael Haan
> Ok, granted, I'm pushing it a little bit by going with AMD64.  But this Myth
> project seems more and more unlikely the further I get in.  Does someone
> have a straight forward install guide for the following specs:
> AMD64 3800+
> SuSE 9.2
> 1 PVR-350
> The OS is running, I've got MySQL installed, and I'm looking for a
> straight-forward guide to getting this up and running.  Anyone?

The most frequently referenced documentation if Jarod's HOWTO, located
at http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/fcmyth.php. I used his HOWTO for my
initial mythtv setup and while I fought with ivtv for a day or so, it
basically had everything I needed to install mythtv.

I've since reinstalled, using gentoo, and it was a breeze after having
gone through Jarod's HOWTO, even though his doc is geared towards
Fedora (core 2 when I did it) core 3.

You didn't mention your Linux background/experience, so I'm guessing,
but if you're not very familiar with Linux, I'd recommend that you
install Fedora, since that what most people appear to be using and can
probably provide more assistance.

BTW, what type of problems are you having?

Jeff Thompson
mythtv-users mailing list

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