Based on Brad and Denier's comments, it seems unlikely that I'll find
a solution for using Bob or any other deinterlacing filter to fix the
interlacing issues - instead, I would have to explore the transcoding
route - which unfortunately, is much too complex for me.

So, my plan of attack should be simply getting rid of the lines on my
TV, which like Brad said, shouldn't be there to begin with.

I am driving my TV at 720x480, using the following modeline:

Modeline "720x480" 26.7 720 736 808 896 480 481 484 497

Overscan is enabled by using Option "TVVScan" "over" in my xorg.conf file
Within MythTV, I have Vertical and Horizontal overscan percentage set
to +8 - does this actually affect the video output?  I thought it only
changed things like the size of the OSD.

I've read about some patches provided by Terry Barnaby that resolve
some scaling issues, but they are only for 720x576 PAL video.  Could
that be my issue?  Does anybody have the equivalent for NTSC?

Thanks for everyone's help....
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