Ryan A. Carris wrote:
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 18:31:57 -0800, Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Scott Bickford wrote:

I have the PVR-350.  When I record on channel 63 (Travel Channel) and
playback, I get vertical lines on about a 45 degree angle.  All the
other channels appear to be ok.  Any ideas how I can fix this?

Get a monkey wrench and tighten down each F connector in the house (not just the one connected to the card) to be a little more than finger tight.

I believe it is an 11 or 13mm wrench. Had to do it last weekend. :) Also of some help is terminators on any unused jack. RS sell packs of
2 for ~1.50. And then try a signal amplifier.

I use an adjustable wrench. The explanation I'd heard is that if the connector is loose it may not be fully terminated and the cable may act as an antenna picking up interference. What I've found in my own experience is that I have a lot of drops and splitters all over the house and a bad channel in one location may actually be the result of a loose connection in another room even if the picture isn't as bad where the loose connection is.

These suggests are for a week signal, which will cause the problem you
are describing and can be easily checked by plugging the cable
straight into the TV.  Someone else suggested adding a tuner type to
your modprob.conf, which it could also be.

If the tuner type was wrong it would have the wrong freq info and all the channels would be mis-tuned. An interference pattern on one or a handful of stations is most likely a signal problem.

--  bjm

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