>>> "Phill Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/26/2005 6:51:13 PM >>>
>FWIW, I bought a serial IR receiver off eBay from a guy in the UK
>which was cheap (about 5 quid), simple to set up and works a treat.
>Once you've done that you can use just about anmy remote you like. I
>can send you his eBay URL if you like as I think he has ones on there
>all the time.
>PS - if you think you have poor choice of remotes in the UK, you
>should try living in Australia!

Are remotes good only in the country of origin?  The reason I ask 
is that if someone in the UK or down under wanted a remote only 
available to someone in the US, would there be anything that would 
stop a resident of the US from sending a gift to someone in another 
place of the world?

For example, wouldn't one of the 2116 RS remotes would just as 
well in Australia as it does in the US?  $30 plus shipping might 
be worth it...

Just wondering...


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