
Does anyone know if there are plans to support CableCard within Myth?  I guess 
this is a 2 part question. The first part being, are there any efforts out 
there to make a CableCard reader for the PC, and secondly, will Myth support 

I read the thread on CableCard and Myth a short time ago, and the main thrust 
of that seemed to be geared to getting around paying for cable. I have no 
problem paying for my cable TV, but having 2 boxen (the cable STB and myth) to 
do the work of one seems wasteful, and complicating, especially when dealing 
with channel changes etc.

The CableCard, as I understand it, simply decrypts the signal from the cable 
company, but doesn't provide EPG. Myth does that quite nicely.  I know that the 
CableCard spec isn't finalised yet, but I'm still interested in any information 
anyone mught have on this.

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