The USB-UIRT appears as a normal usb-serial device in /dev. Lirc
accesses this directly and implements the driver itself, so therefore
there is no kernel module involved. Should be a matter of just
installing/maybe patching & rebuilding lirc, certainly not the kernel.

As to what to do to set one up, I don't know yet. Mine's only just
arrived and hasn't been plugged in, so if anyone has got a quick guide
that'd be very handy.

If not, I'll post what I did when I've got it up and running.



I have had one for years. I used it on my Windows box for controlling the turner when I used Snapstream. I plugged in on to my linux box when I started Myth and was able to use it with some scripts I wrote using misterhouse. It was a hack but it worked when I needed it. I did not play with the Lirc patch because it was not out at the time. I since converted to MyBlaster and it works great using a simple script to change channels. I have not used the USB_UIRT for receiving IR on Linux.

- James
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