I am having difficulties getting xine to accept commands from my
remote.  While this may be OT, I was hoping someone here could help me
as it is related to my usage of MythTV and I know others have it
working.  FWIW, I am using Jarod's remote file on FC1 and the
xine-0.99 RPM from freshrpms.net

I tried the steps listed in the following thread (as well as others):

lirc and Xine: 

but I cannot get it to work.  If I add the 'xine' entries as listed in
that thread, mythfrontend does not even accept commands from the
remote.  However, if I revert back to the original lircrc,
mythfrontend accepts commands, but xine doesn't work (obviously, as
the entries are not listed anymore)

Here are the steps I took:

1.  Added the xine-specific commands to /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc
2.  Ran the following command: ln -s ~/.mythtv/lircrc ~/.lircrc
3.  Reviewed ~/.lircrc to confirm step 2 worked (it did)
4.  Rebooted (just to be safe...I'm a Linux newb)
5.  Tried remote on mythfrontend UI...no response.
6.  Reverted to backup of lircrc (the version that did not have the
xine entries)
7.  Rebooted (again, just to be safe, although I'm sure a restart of
mythfrontend would do the trick).
8.  Remote worked fine on mythfrontend (but obviously not xine as the
entries were not in the lircrc file anymore).

Obviously something in my modified lircrc is causing the problem. 
However, I have not been able to find anything here or on Google that
can help me get past this.  I thought it could be a problem with LIRC
not seeing xine, but I could not find anything useful.  Since MythTV
does not accept remote commands with my xine entries, there must be
some configuration/startup routine that is 'failing' because of my

Any assistance would be appreciated.  If there are file that would
help troubleshoot, just let me know.  Thanks in advance for any

Mark Prinz
mythtv-users mailing list

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