Hi everybody!
Could you help me, please?
I'm writing you one more time because I'm still having problems on changing channel on MythTV...
I can see correctly the startchannel, but I can't switch to another channel.
If I try to change channel, I get some error:

QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
2005-01-27 12:18:48.325 taking too long to be allowed to read..
2005-01-27 12:19:00.333 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available, waiting again...
2005-01-27 12:19:14.347 Waited 14 seconds for data to become available, aborting
Errm, event socket just closed.
2005-01-27 12:20:12.945 ReadStringList: Bad socket
2005-01-27 12:20:12.945 RemoteFile::Read(): No response from control socket.
2005-01-27 12:20:12.945 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().

Could you help me, please?
I tried everything (changing MythTV and DVB drivers version), but I have the same problem, and I don't know which to ask for help to.

Thank you very much for your pacience!

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