Now that I have done a re-install with Fedora Core 3
(pain in the butt with the exceptions that have to be
done!), I took a look at this.

It seems that the problem is really that MythTV/lirc
is bombing out on the file due to the fact that I
apparently uploaded it to my website in DOS format. 
As soon as I ran dos2unix, on the file, everything was

I will fix the file at some point, I have some button
remappings that I want to do.

-- Joe

--- John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay I took a look at the lircrc file a bit closer
> and I modified the
> lines in the above suggestion and tried loading it
> again.  Still no
> go.  Same error on same lines.  So then I decided to
> put a space
> between "#begin"  and "#end" for the first "POWER
> button" setting. 
> Now this shouldn't make a difference since there are
> other lines
> further down that are commented out like this but my
> hope would be
> that the error would move to a different line.  Well
> it worked! 
> Lircrc loaded without any errors and now the remote
> works (even with
> the lines as they are below).  Go figure.  Attached
> is my "working"
> lircrc file.  Still need to tweak buttons. :)
> John
> P.S. When I enter a channel number it doesn't change
> to that channel
> instead it displays info about it at the bottom of
> the screen.  Is
> this a setting somewhere in myth?  Again Thanks for
> all the help.

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream
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