The one issue I have with this approach is that I have to randomly name the
iso file for it to be unique, whereas the DVDbackup approach allows me
access to the disc title for the iso filename.

Unless there's an undocumented lsdvd -t switch to return only the title, I'd
probably have to write something to parse the default output or perl output
to get at the title.

And after some quick, rough (and highly inaccurate) mental timings
(basically guesses and looking at the clock) I'd say it's only saving a
minute or three.

At this point, I think I'd rather have the disc title as the filename than
save a few minutes, so it's easily recognizable from, say, a Windows box
share without access to the database.

For those however, who are interested in saving the few minutes and don't
care about the filename, you can modify the dvd2iso script I previously

I only have one optical drive in my system, so I simply modified my dvd2iso
script and replaced the dvdbackup and mkisofs commands with (roughly)

dd if=$dvddevice of=/myth/video/video_$RANDOM.iso
Obviously, if you have more than one drive, you'll want to be more specific
to lsdvd :

lsdvd $dvddevice

If anyone knows of a quick and easy way to get at the disc title in an easy
manner, I'm all ears :-)

To fit in easily in this script, something like below would be ideal:

$dvdname=`lsdvd -t`

(Note the -t switch is hypothetical.  I suppose I could find the source for
lsdvd and recompile ... but all that seems like a hassle for a few minutes
worth of time saving.  Besides, it's not like I'm sitting there staring at
the DVD drive waiting for it to eject when it's done.)

Thanks again for everyone's input.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 4:35 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] DVD rip idea

On Feb 1, 2005, at 2:15 PM, Michael J. Lynch wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> 1) lsdvd /dev/dvd > /dev/null 2>&1
>> 2) dd if=/dev/dvd of=/var/spool/videos/mydvd.iso
>> This should avoid the need for mkisofs and save some time importing 
>> DVDs to the hard drive.
> So...if I add cdrecord to this sequence I can essentially make an exact
> no hassles duplicate of a DVD?  I don't have to use DVD ripper software
> or anything else?  Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarm out!!!!

I assume you mean to use cdrecord to write the *.ISO file back to a 
DVD-R disc. Problem is most movies are not oging to fit on the 
traditional single layer DVD-Rs you can buy. double sided DVD-R media 
is just now becoming popular (and expensive) and you need a drive that 
supports dual layer (DL is the common marketing term) recording.

For just keeping the ISO files on the hard drive this shouldn't be a 
problem though and cdrecord is not needed.


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