Op zondag 06 februari 2005 21:19, schreef Henk Poley:
> Op zondag 06 februari 2005 18:26, schreef Loren H. Burlingame:
> > On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 17:49:48 +0100, Henk Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > When I play something with MythVideo using mplayer, after some time it
> > > stops responding to keypresses (both my remote and keyboard are just
> > > "keyboards" to X).
> >
> > I have had similar (if not the exact same) problems. I just switched
> > the player for both optical and video file playback to xine and all is
> > well now.
> I'll try that.

Tried it: "xine -pfhq --no-splash %s"

The first time the movie is in color, the second time it get's kind of grainy 
and the 3rd time it's grayscale.. normal myth playback has turned grayscale 

Restarted X, still grayscale. Restarted machine, same procedure same outcome, 
started with color, goes to grayscale. Tried to grab some sort of log from 
xine, didn't work with a pipe ( xine -... %s > xinelog ) on the settings 
screen, tried with a bash script, and with added --verbose, still doesn't 
work :-/

Switched back to mplayer (no reboot), color is back, but of course same 
keyboard problem.

Anyone has a clue on how to work around this?

> Does anybody have a ~/.xine/keymap with the default MythTV 
> keybindings? Not that I won't get it right eventually, but it would be
> nice.

Found one, which though doesn't seem to map the quit key properly, will look 
into that myself.

        Henk Poley <><
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