Since I've had tons of trouble exporting my PVR-250 recordings to DVD
(see archives for my posts on audio sync issues), I'm trying out my
options for my older WinTV-FM card, which is also in my Myth box.

I recorded a half hour test program in Myth using the WinTV-FM. I then
used nuvexport to transcode the program to a DVD-ready MPEG-2 file.

Transcoding took 2.5 hours for a half hour show.

This does not seem right. I have a 2.8 GHz P4 HT with 512 MB RAM. I'm
running 0.16 on FC2.

While watching the output of transcode through nuvexport, I observed
my fps rate steadily decrease during the transcoding process. The high
was near 200 fps when transcoding started. The fps rate dropped
relatively quickly at first, to around 30 fps, then dropped steadily,
and was at 7 fps at the end of the process.

Does this jive with others' experience?


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