Chris Pinkham wrote:

Sometime in the last two weeks, the behavior when deleting a show which actually failed to record has changed. Now I get this error:

2005-02-10 00:31:24.939 ERROR when trying to delete file: /mythtv/store/1004_20050131205800_20050131220000.nuv. File doesn't exist. Database metadata will not be removed.

So, how am I supposed to remove the metadata from the database? By hand?

Just run "touch /mythtv/store/1004_20050131205800_20050131220000.nuv" so there is an empty file there and then you can delete normally in mythfrontend.

What is happening to you files that they aren't there at all but they are in
the DB?

My local NBC station just started broadcasting in HD a month ago. Their equipment occasionally flakes out, and Myth is occasionally unable to tune them in. My other stations went through similar growing pains when they first started broadcast in HD -- except for my local FOX station.

FOX as a company was slow to adopt HD, but my local station actually started broadcasting upconverted widescreen a year before they could obtain HD material.

Thanks for the tip.


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