
I am using MythTV 0.16-1 and try to use lirc-0.7.0.
The first test with irw was successfull. Every keypress was been displayed 
by irw. Therfore lirc and the remote control should work, I think.

Than I try to interconnect lirc with MythTV by follow the instructions of 
Because I use the binary distribution of MythTV I try the non-nativ mode 
with irxevent.
I have a irxevent within my lirc-0.7.0 sources but after the make I do not 
have the program irxevent :-O.
I also try it with irexec but without success.
After starting of irexec I can additional start irw wich will display the 
pressed keys again.
However, MythTV do not reflect to the pressed keys.

Hot to configure to interact lirc with the binary version of MythTV?
Anybody can help me?

Thanks in advance :-)
no panic

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