Rick Ingersoll wrote:
I have a FX 5500 SVIDEO out to my 27" Sony TV. it's not HD. I have been looking into modeline settings, I really have no idea what I'm doing with it. It somewhat seems like something I need, Can anyone tell me what I should be setting as far as modeline line in my xorg.conf file. Again standard 27" TV NTSC. Thanks for your help


Very similar to my setup. I have a nVidia 5700LE connected to a 32" Sony (also not HD, that upgrade is 6-18 months away) over s-video. The easy/default thing was to run the nvidia drivers 640x480. For me this more or less just worked. But this is also not quite everything it can be. It's NTSC, and you should be able to drive it at 720x480 even thought that doesn't seem to be a built in modeline.

For me, adding the following line to the 'Section "Monitor"':
      ModeLine "720x480NTSC"  27.5  720 744 800 872  480 483 485 525

and a corresponding line to the 'Subsection "Display"' of my 'Section "Screen"':
Modes "720x480NTSC"

This pushed it up to 720x480. I also needed to add some of the nvidia driver specific options to the 'Section "Device"' to keep it from occasionally being confused and thinking the wrong display was attached. you will also want to use the nvidia-settings tool from nvidia to tune overscan, color, etc to match the s-video signal from the Myth computer with video essentials or the like.

The only remaining basic problems I have with this are:

- xine seems to have a blue line at the top of the letterbox when playing anamorphic discs. I have no idea why. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen in 640x480 mode so I am rather confused.
- I am really unsatisfied with the video quality from the PVR 350. It looks like VHS. This is especially noticeable when comparing news crawls on CNN or the like between the MythTV s-video feed and the tuner in the TV itself. I am quite confident this is on the capture/encoding side since X and DVD playback is as sharp as any of my other settop players.
-for whatever reason, I have not gotten DVD playback to do 5.1 audio pass through to my receiver. but I haven't dug too deep into this yet
- It's rather irksome that XvMC seems to be completely broken on x86_64.

My setup is xorg-x11 6.8.0-r3 with nvidia drivers rev 6629 on an AMD 64 with a gentoo install.

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