On Thursday 10 February 2005 18:09, Chris Petersen wrote:
> > Can anybody help?
> Maybe search the mailing list, or the web, or just about anywhere before
> asking redundant questions....
> run with --debug, it'll print out the list of commands that it uses.
> Run those commands (likely in separate terminal windows), watch the output.

When one does that one gets something like this:
system call:
mkdir -m 0755 /tmp/fifodir_18021/

nice -n 19 mythtranscode --showprogress -p autodetect -c 1061 -s 
2005-02-11-07-30-00 -f "/tmp/fifodir_18021/" --honorcutlist 2>&1

For us newbies out here, (sorry only been running linux 5 years) just
what do you mean by "forking:" and how would that command sequence be issued
by hand?  Howbout printing the exact sequence rather than the concept?

The second command never returns, so one never gets to issue the third one.

While transcoding to AFS, (and several other formats)
I see similar problems as toad, where when running without --debug it 
hangs forever, aggressively gobbling memory and swap until all swap is 
exhausted, at which point the system is on its knees and whimpering.
At no point does it update its frame pointer display while this is happening
and i've never been successful with this version of completing any
transcoding except to vcd.

If I kill it before it gets to that state, the portion transcoded does play
in mplayer.

Pardon the list/offlist reply, I'm not sure I know where you would
rather see this.

Might I suggest you add a --version argument?

> addendum to previous answers -- if you're using ffmpeg, and you get
> errors when running by hand, please email them to me (off list).  I want
> to add smart error-detection to the ffmpeg code like I have for
> transcode, but haven't run across any ffmpeg errors of my own yet.
> -Chris
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