I upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 late Thursday night/early Friday morning.
 Ever since then I've been seeing some strange behavior from the box. 
Firstly, as soon as I fire up the backend it spawns a mythcommflag
process.  This seems normal to me except that mythcommflag immediately
pegs my processor at 100% while with 0.16 it seemed to hover around
60-70%.  The bigger problem with mythcommflag is that it seems to
continually spawn new processes until there are at least 5 or 6 of
them running.  Even with the processes niced to -17 it still makes the
box very sluggish and the load average goes through the roof (>10). 
In looking in the backend log it seems that the system is completing
commercial flagging for a particular show and then starting to flag it
again.  I'm not sure why it's doing this or why that would result in
multiple instances of mythcommflag instead of one ending and then
another one starting.

Eventually the backend dies with the following message in the log file:

Waited 2 seconds for data to become available, waiting a

This message is repeated several times in the log and the backend is
dead.  When I try to restart the backend from the command line it
returns me to a prompt with no output to the console or the log file
and the backend never starts.  I have to do a hard reboot of the box
in order to get the backend started again.

FYI, I'm running FC1 with kernel version
2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_52.rhfc1.at and everything has been working great
on 0.16 for months.  The only thing that I changed was to upgrade to
0.17.  I did set -march=athlon for mythtv and all modules when I
compiled since I'm running an Athlon 1600+ and I thought I could
squeeze a little extra speed out of the code.  I'm going to try
recompiling with the default -march=pentiumpro just to see what
happens, but I doubt that's going to fix the problem.

If you need more info let me know and I can post logs, dmesg, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brad Benson
mythtv-users mailing list

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