Robin Smith wrote:

Me replying to me again...

So I am stuck at a 720x480 image until I can work this out. I have
spent hours trying modelines galore and only the one 720x480 above
seems to work.

The only specs I have for my TV are that it will do 1920x1080i (which
means it should handle 960x540p) and 720x480 and has a vertical
refresh of 59.94.

So... can I "reverse engineer" the other specs from the good modeline
above to help me determine appropriate modeline info for the elusive

And can I use another DVI-equipped PC on ym HDTV to determine the
appropriate modeline or must I use the video card my Mythbox will be

Any help or links would be appreciated as my googling is turning up
the same old sites time and time again, none of which seem to answer
my questions.



Here's what I use with my NVIDIA 6600GT output to a AA 9A60 transcoder (though I HAVE successfully use the component dongle with the same settings) :

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "TV"
VendorName "Toshiba"
ModelName "50HX81"
HorizSync 28 - 160
VertRefresh 50 - 72
ModeLine "in1080i" 74.52 1760 1888 2096 2208 960 1012 1028 1126 -hsync -vsync interlace
ModeLine "in540p" 37.26 880 944 1048 1104 480 506 520 563 +hsync +vsync
ModeLine "1920x1080" 74.250 1920 1964 2052 2200 1080 1084 1088 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync
Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 78.12 1920 1952 2264 2296 1080 1103 1112 1135 interlace +hsync +vsync
ModeLine "in1280x1024" 53.731 1280 1376 1496 1592 1024 1060 1071 1124 interlace +hsync +vsync
ModeLine "in1280x960" 54.540 1280 1392 1488 1616 960 1042 1058 1124 interlace +hsync +vsync
ModeLine "ATSC-1080-59.94i" 74.176 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125 Interlace
ModeLine "ATSC-1080-60i" 74.25 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125 Interlace
DisplaySize 400 225
Option "dpms"

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