Neil Bird wrote:

Around about 11/02/05 20:45, scamp typed ...

For changing the channels, I use an IR transmitter from Red Remote -

Ah, *please* tell me ... do you have to play silly wotsits to make it work OK?

I have the obligatory wrapper script 'skychannel' (with some noddy locking code I found somewhere to prevent multiple channel changes at once) calling 'digibox' (a slightly modified version of red_eye IIRC that, again, I found somewhere :) ).

But I have grief making it work in one go; if I run 'digibox 101' to change to BBC1, only the initial '10' comes out. Ditto any channel: 'digibox 123' just does '12' and then the digibox times out waiting for the third digit! I've tried 'digibox 12!!!3' and all manner of variants.

I resorted to three sep. commands (digibox 1; digibox 2; digibox 3) but this takes an age [in fact I now do 'digibox 12; digibox3' with some extra no-delay */= codes in there as well].

I currently send:

12  # first 2 digits in case box is already on for immediate change
3K  # third digit then power-on in case it's off
<sleep a second to give box chance to come up before entering channel>
12  # again

.. with the sends blocked by the 'lock' thing change process ID so that channel hopping works without delays/interference.

Your 'TK$1 5'; you always power cycle the box upon channel change? What's the '5'? And then a double 'K' ["sky" button?]? My 'digibox.c' must be more modified from the red_eye.c than I thought ...


Not sure why the need for all the scripts. I have a script called change_channel.csh that does this

/home/mythtv/red_eye /dev/ttyS0 T 1
/home/mythtv/red_eye /dev/ttyS0 $1 1

The red_eye command is available from the redremote site

Let me know if you need any more info.

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