Also check your file associations.

In an explorer window check Tools -> folder options. In the file type
tab look to see if .nuv is associated with anything. Probably will be
associated to mediaplayer classic.

Clear that out and you should be all set. Or .mpg might be the problem

Mike Luich

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:35:26 -0500, Jack Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love the new Mythweb look and layout, and the usage is alot more
> intuitive, but I have one issue, and it maybe fixable on my end.
> In .16 I would goto the recorded shows on my laptop, and click on the
> image, and a download dialog would appear, and I could rename the file
> .mpg and save it to my computer and watch it,
> in .17 the coding for the page changed slightly and even telling my
> browser to open link as "save target as" it opens mediaplayer classic,
> and then proceeds to fail.
> I have tried the WinMyth on my laptop a while ago, and just does not
> want to run, just freezes, my laptop isnt that fast but generally
> plays mpeg and divx video well enough so I havent bought a new one,
> the recorded programs in mythweb just made it easier to locate the
> show I wanted and download it, I am reduced currently to using mythweb
> to figure out what filename the show I want is, then ftping into my
> box and downloading the correct file
> if there is either a way I can modify mythweb to return its previous
> functionality, or if I can use media play or some other program to
> open the stream from the backend itself I would appreciate the help
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