It takes bloody forever to get to recorded programs, though CPU usage
is negligible, there's plenty of RAM, and everything else accesses
just fine.

I'm using the current CVS (2/10/05) and most everything else seems to be ok.

Nothing untoward makes its way into the apache logs.

I've had some bad DVB signals recently (aerial got blown about by some high winds 3 or 4 weeks ago) and it caused this same problem. Found out it was that certain recordings (which had given up after a few seconds) were not generating proper thumbnails and as such causing a 2-3 sec delay each when loading the recorded programs page.

I could replicate the bad programs issue by scrolling through every show on the recordings page in Myth. A few programs were taking 4-5 seconds to show the thumbnail (and appeared to 'hang' the system in the meantime). Getting rid of these fixed the problem in Mythweb.

Hope this helps,


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