
On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 13:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have just install mythtv on my Gentoo box. I have some trouble with it.
> Problem 1.
> I am using the PVR 350 TVout functionality. Without any big problem I got a
> perfekt picture on my TV.
> The problem is that X windows is too big for my TV. I have configured the
> xorg.conf as described in a lot of places on the net.
> When watching LiveTV in the size of the picture seams to perfect fit my TV
> screen but launching any mythtv related screens the picture does not fit the
> TV is too big.
> Anybody that knows about how to configure it?
I had this same problem with my 350, my solution? I got a nvidia card to do 
Some people had suggested to fix the size in the setup of mythtv, I
never got it to work right, YMMV. I also wanted accelerated X so I
needed the card anyway.
> Problem 2.
> When using the PVR350 TVout I get the audio routed to the PVR card instead of
> to my soundcard. Connecting a cable between TV-card and Sound card should do
> it, but I am a little bit confused about how to configure it.
> If "line in" is muted there is no sound at all. If "line in" is unmuted I get
> sound from the TV Card but I can not change the volume within MythTV.
> Anybody knows how to configure it?
> Can I route the sound directly to my soundcard as when I do not use the PVR
> TVout functionality?
> Problem 3.
> After a few hours with LIRC configurating it seams that I have it working 
> under
> Myth.
> When launching Mplayer from mythtv the remote stops working. I guess it is a
> matter of configuration? Can anyone explain how? Do I need to compile mplayer
> with LIRC support or can I handle it from MythTv?
You have to configure your lirc config file with mplayer in there also
and if you use xine like I do, then you will need to put xine in there
as well. If you have that then there is a focus issue with mplayer
search the archives there are lots of posts about it.

> Problem 4.
> When watching LiveTV and having the program guide launched, I have a problem
> when exiting the program guide. When pressing Esc the TV is going black and
> the sound stops. Pressing Esc one more time returns to the main menu of
> mythtv. No problem to launch LiveTv again.
Use exit instead of ESC, look at the key mapping for myth on the docs
page to find out what key it is.
> Anybody knows why LiveTV stops?
> I am running ivtv-2.0.rc3f
> Here is a the relevant parts of my xorg.conf. ( I am using PAL TV standard )
> Section "Monitor"
> Identifier "My Monitor"
> HorizSync 30-68
> VertRefresh 50-120
> Mode "720x756"
> DotClock 41.476
> HTimings 720 752 840 928
> VTimings 576 580 584 600
> Flags "-HSync" "-VSync"
> EndMode
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "ivtv"
> Driver "ivtvdev"
> Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
> #BusID "00:00:10"
> EndSection
> Cheers

Hope that helps,


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