On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:54:26 +0100, Jesper Sörensen
> >"Allow recorded stream to be saved in TS as well as PS mode."
> >
> >I gather this means that there is no planned future support for saving
> >the stream in TS mode for the HD300 with non dvb drivers and that only
> >PS mode will be supported for the HD3000 with the non dvb drivers.
> >
> >
> I'm a DVB guy so I don't know squat about the HD3000 but I believe the
> non-DVB drivers record in TS mode only, i.e. no PS possible. With the
> DVB driver you can do both, but if TS works for you that is preferred.

That's what I thought from reading the list for the past few months
before buying the HD3000. The provided drivers with the provided tools
capture in TS mode, but either my mplayer is broken and spewing
randomness or Myth CVS is saving in PS mode...  I'll see about
compiling mplayer from cvs.

I wouldn't really care either way, except for the issue that every
Myth recording I have scheduled has been corrupted badly and unusable,
and every capture with getatsc or dtvstream has been stunning.  I've
swapped pci slots to take care of irq sharing issues, turned off swap,
turned off and removed all unused software ... the list of things
could go on for 3 months.

I really like the MythTV project and think that every thing else looks
great, my hat is off to the developers, but until I can get recording
working on my development box, Myth won't have a shinny new home under
my TV.

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