On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 03:34:08PM +0200, Antti Siiskonen wrote:
> I compiled libmysqlclient with debug symbols on and did some more
> digging with various debugging tools and google and to me it seems that
> someone is calling free() twice. Mythbackend is too large to be
> debugged with njamd or most tools so I can't find the real reason for
> this segfault. Any help still appreciated.

You could try valgrind.  I valgrind-ed our largest product at work (a
few hundred thousand lines of C++) which nothing has ever been able to
do before.  It didn't run very quickly but it did work and I found all
sorts of nasties.  Unfortunately I'm not sure valgrind works very well
with threaded programs.

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick
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