Odd thing.  I set up a new slave back end with two more tuner cards.
Everything looks fine, except when I go that that system's status page I
see this:

WARNING: This backend is low on free disk space!
Machine information
Disk Usage: 
      * Total Space: 0,000 MB 
      * Space Used: 0,000 MB 
      * Space Free: 0,000 MB 

However, a df shows:

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1              5692404   1942508   3460728  36% /
                      63139844  22719284  37213184  38% /home/video

and the recordings are set to be put in /home/video. Even then, the
local disk does have 3G+ available.

Why does this system think it has no disk space?

Lonnie Borntreger

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