aldo santini wrote:
DB Error (ProgramList::FromProgram):
Query was:
SELECT program.chanid, program.starttime, program.endtime,
program.title, program.subtitle, program.description,
program.category, channel.channum, channel.callsign,,
program.previouslyshown, channel.commfree,     channel.outputfilters,
program.seriesid, program.programid,     program.airdate,program.stars,
program.originalairdate,     program.category_type FROM program LEFT
JOIN channel ON program.chanid = channel.chanid WHERE program.chanid =
1023AND program.endtime >= 20050217220000     AND program.starttime <=
20050218000000  GROUP BY program.starttime, channel.channum,
channel.callsign ORDER BY program.starttime, channum + 0 LIMIT 1000
Driver error was [2/1]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql3450_41_2.MYI' (Errcode: 13)

A shot in the dark, why can't it create/write to the /tmp folder? I'd check permissions, disk space, etc...

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