Sergio Ammirata wrote:

I am giving up on this card. I just bought it but cannot get it to play nice with my pvr-500.

I wanted to have a setup that had the pchdtv-3000 for over-the-air hdtv and a pvr-500 for cable broadcast but both cards have bleading edge drivers and will not play nice together. If any one is interested, I will sell for the same amount I paid. Please email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you have an extra old PC lying around? Just chuck the PVR-500 into it and use it as a slave backend. That's the beauty of MythTV. If you can't get the cards to play nice, separate them. The slave just needs network access to the file storage on your main backend (doesn't need a big disk itself), doesn't need TV-out, etc. The PVR-500 will do all the work so it doesn't have to be powerful at all.

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