Robert Denier wrote:

I have absolutely no idea if its related to this discussion or even
useful, but I have a directtv platinum receiver by hughes? somewhere
that worked fine the last time I had directtv.  The key point being is
it had a firewire port and a connection for a special expensive vcr.

I have the same unit ( parents have it). Its actually a D-VHS port, which according to my googling is actually nicknamed "Brainded Firewire" -- aparently basterdised just enough to be incompatabile with anything running the standard firewire protocalls.

I've seen at least one other person post questions about using this port with MythTV recently, but haven't seen any replies. I asked this question some months ago, and the reply I got was "no, its not possible to use it with Myth".

As far as the reciever goes, it can be subscribed to DirectTV today; you just need a "current' card. I personally like this box for Myth use, as it also has a serial port that works well with the changechannel script, and it has both coaxial and optical digital audio out as well as composite and S-video outputs. In short, its got everything we need. Its only downside is the box doesn't remap local channels to their "actual" channel number (e.g, your local "channel 13" shows up somewhere in the 900's or higher).

In any case, I highly recommend that old Hughs Platinum reciever for Myth use.

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