Yeah, I had the same problem, and I forgot to let the ebuild
maintainers know about it.
Find your mythmusic 0.17 ebuild and in the section that says:

src_compile() {
    econf \
        `use_enable X fftw` \
        `use_enable opengl` \
        `use_enable sdl`

add in `use_enable aac`

Don't forget to add the \ to the end of the sdl statement.
After I did that, AAC support was compiled. I have not tested it yet,
though. I'm still in the process of moving 12 gigs of music to my

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 01:00:26 -0800, Jim Kusznir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Gentoo users & Developoers:
> I just finished building a new MythTV system, based on the 0.17 myth
> release.  When I watched the mythmusic emerge start to "configure"
> mythmusic, it printed some output that specified everything but AAC
> format was enabled.  I looked through all the e-build scripts, but can't
> find where to enable AAC.  It appears the scripts don't provide for that
> yet (no use flag or dependancy checking).  I've looked at the
> dependancys for AAC and found the ebuilds are in the portage tree (and
> already installed on my optimized-for-myth gentoo system).
> Is there any way we can get AAC as an option for mythmusic under
> Gentoo?  Perhaps an "AAC" use flag?
> I was about to open a bug for this, but thought I'd post
> here first.  I don't know if the Gentoo myth ebuild maintainer(s) are on
> the list...
> Anyway, Thanks for all the hard work!
> (and if anyone has any suggestions as to how to "tweak" the ebuild to
> compile in support, I'm listening.  I don't want to compile it by hand
> and "bypass" the emerge system)
> --Jim
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I got a pig at home in a pen
Corn to feed him on
All I need's a pretty little girl
To feed him when I'm gone
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