I have the same setup, and it's not really a Mac-specific problem with MythVideo, just one that you're more likely to run into on a Mac. The MythVideo database refers to the full pathname of each video file. That means that the NFS volume that you're storing your videos on (you are storing them on an NFS volume, aren't you?) has to have the same mount point on the Mac as it does on the Knoppmyth frontend.

By default on the mac, all mounts are in the /Volumes directory. If your only other device is a Knoppmyth pc running the backend and frontend, it might be easier to create a /Volumes directory there, and move your video. If that's too much work, you have two options on the Mac.

First, you can use the command line tools on the mac to mount the NFS volume in the same location as on the Knoppmyth box. Then create a StartupItem (see http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/ BPSystemStartup/Tasks/CreatingStartupItems.html) to mount it each time the computer starts up.

The second way is to mount the NFS volume in the finder as usual, drop it in your startup items list, and create a link at the mount point that MythVideo expects to the NFS volume in the /Volumes directory. This is easier, but I haven't had much luck yet with it working reliably across reboots.

On Feb 20, 2005, at 1:05 PM, Robert Karaffa wrote:

hi folks,
i've got my Knoppmyth frontend running nicely, and a Knoppmyth frontend working well. however, i'm struggling to configure my Mac frontend. All are running 0.17, and the Mac is using the 0.17/plugins binary downloaded from http://whpress.com/mythtv/.

what works:
-TV, MythWeather, on all
-MythVideo on backend and Knoppmyth frontend

what doesn't work:
-MythVideo on the Mac

I've learnt the hard way not to touch the Video Manager on the Mac until I've figured out how things work on it.

The Knoppmyth frontend sort-of self-configured. The Mac, on the other hand...haven't figured that one out, yet.

Any hints, anyone?

Just to be clear, the Knoppmyth frontend successfully connects to the backend and is 100% functional. The Mac frontend can connect, but MythVideo can't find the video files and cover art.

-Bob K.

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