Is anyone else having problems with nuvexport and .17? I've downloaded the latest cvs of nuvexport and still nada. The only thing that has changed from my view is updating to .17

Here is my situation:

Trying to export any shows that i've recorded using any of the exporters do not work. I've tried Xvid, Dixv, vcd, and svcd. What happens is it seems mythtranscode will eat up all avialable memery and the system will kill the process in order to save itself.

dmesg shows this: Out of Memory: Killed process 3832 (mythtranscode).

Tried using nuvexport --debug and followed the commands. Created the fifo dir and off went the first command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/nice -n19 mythtranscode --showprogress -p autodetect -c 1065 -s 2005-02-18-20-56-00 -f "/tmp/fifodir_3455/" 2>&1
2005-02-22 20:27:55.969 Transcoding from /mmedia/video/mythtv/1065_20050218205600_20050219000000.nuv to /mmedia/video/mythtv/1065_20050218205600_20050219000000.nuv.tmp
2005-02-22 20:27:56.075 Created video fifo: /tmp/fifodir_3455//vidout
2005-02-22 20:27:56.076 Created audio fifo: /tmp/fifodir_3455//audout
2005-02-22 20:27:56.077 Video [EMAIL PROTECTED] Audio rate: 32000
2005-02-22 20:27:56.078 Created fifos. Waiting for connection.
2005-02-22 20:28:00.987 Processed: 366 of 330780 frames(12 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:06.207 Processed: 635 of 330780 frames(21 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:11.227 Processed: 766 of 330780 frames(25 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:16.363 Processed: 932 of 330780 frames(31 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:21.371 Processed: 1077 of 330780 frames(35 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:26.511 Processed: 1208 of 330780 frames(40 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:31.917 Processed: 1363 of 330780 frames(45 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:37.107 Processed: 1515 of 330780 frames(50 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:42.297 Processed: 1703 of 330780 frames(56 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:47.570 Processed: 1825 of 330780 frames(60 seconds)
2005-02-22 20:28:52.582 Processed: 1937 of 330780 frames(64 seconds)

So i figure both commands needed to be ran at the same time since nuvexport forks both commans presumable at the same time. No luck there either. The first command does the same as above while the second command just sits there.

Anyone can help it would be much appreciated.


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