On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 14:29:37 -0500, Isaac Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 February 2005 02:16 pm, Risto Treksler wrote:
> > 2) i set the "live tv" to always use "browse mode"
> >     ie - when you hit the channel change button
> >           it just pops up info about the next channel
> >           and you can choose whether to change to it
> Would anyone be extremely upset if I just made this setting the default?
> Isaac

Sounds good to me.  That's the way I have it set.

Watching my wife and son use mythtv, they always use the on-screen
guide when watching live tv (which is not often, so take this for what
it's worth).  So, I think another possibility is for a channel change
press to bring up the on-screen guide, unless it is up already.

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