On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 03:48:54PM -0500, Dan Lanciani wrote:
> Brad Templeton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |My own MythTV experience, as I noted, explains this.   I got a pcHDTV 
> |got it working on its own then installed Myth.  And the first thing I found
> |was that it crashed to a black screen if you tuned the wrong channel.
> |
> |This took me back.  I had heard Myth was some work to install, but
> |crashing on a channel change was far worse than the expectations I had
> |given.   Had I not been dedicated to make it working, I can easily
> |imagine stopping right there.
> How did you solve this problem?

This was a problem with the old releases.  I believe with current software
it still isn't great (the screen is still black rather than something
that tells you what's going on) but after a while it gives up and returns
you to where you were.     Ideally (though I have other priorities) it
would pop up a little display saying "Tuning channel X, signal strenght yy%"
and let the user hit a key to get out of it. 

But LiveTV is of very little interest to me, and most other PVR hardcores.
You always try it out when first installing, of course.

Far more troubling is the current behaviour for recording in this situation,
which is to give up an entire recording if the signal strength isn't
right at the start of the recording.  That I'm more inclined to try to fix!
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