Ryan wrote:

Interesting, I thought if I was trading my old one in (which is one of
the 2 I get for free) that they would have to give me it for free (since
its still 1 of the 2 I get for free).

$10 a month is pretty steep, I suppose Ill have to think about it.

Well, if they only firewire enabled box they have is the DVR one I can see why they want to charge $10/month for it. Is the one you want to trade in a DVR box, or is it just a regular cable box? The DVR box itself is a service from your cable co, so they will want to charge for that, along with the fact that the DVR box is much more $$$$/unit than a regular cable box, so theyve got theyve got to get thier money back. I dont get any cable boxes from my cable co for free, any version of thier box will cost me something.

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