A couple weeks ago I added a 120 gig drive.  I noticed one day the drive was 
very hot to the touch.  I immediately got another fan and place it directly 
over it.  Since then the drive temp has been much better.

I have a unique situation where I am I thinking about placing my MBE and FE in 
the basement.  The basement is 60 degrees F during the winter and rarely gets 
above 75 during the summer.  The humidity is controlled  with  a dehumifier 
during the summer.  Would this be worthwile?

I have the PVR-350. The only question I have, is it possible to extend the IR cable by just buying one from Radio Shack etc..?

Cut and splice to your heart's content - just make sure you maintain the original polarity and power connections from end to end. CAT 5 cabling works great.

This is routine procedure in commercial A/V systems that use distributed IR setups.

If you are installing with a plasma, you may encounter interference from the display which causes spurious signals to overload the IR receiver. This varies from display to display. I just pulled a 4YO Panasonic from a client with horrible interference and replaced it with a Fujitsu 40-series and experienced none after the swap. Xantech makes a huge assortment of IR related products including plasma friendly receivers.


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