
I noticed the mythcommflag takes more processor since
.17.  But I don't have as many threads of it as you
do.  The only thing you may do is either turn
mythcommflag to use low CPU or turn it off completely.


--- Derek Conniffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry - I meant to include a top output - and my
> MythTV computer is an old
> PIII 500Mhz with a PVR350 doing the real work -
> normally uptime says less
> than 1%
> Top output with all the mythcommflag processes
> showing:
> top - 20:21:43 up 22:29,  2 users,  load average:
> 41.02, 40.97, 40.85
> Tasks:  79 total,  17 running,  62 sleeping,   0
> stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s):  0.5% us,  7.5% sy, 84.0% ni,  7.0% id, 
> 0.3% wa,  0.8% hi,  0.0% si
> Mem:    384352k total,   381240k used,     3112k
> free,     3196k buffers
> Swap:  1048784k total,   496720k used,   552064k
> free,    45028k cached
> 10502 mythty    32  17 58004  15m  26m R  4.1  4.0 
> 56:05.00 mythcommflag
> 10536 mythty    32  17 57884  15m  26m R  4.1  4.0 
> 54:28.60 mythcommflag
> 10612 mythty    32  17 57416  14m  26m S  4.1  4.0 
> 51:33.52 mythcommflag
> 10620 mythty    33  17 57532  14m  26m R  4.1  4.0 
> 51:57.16 mythcommflag
> 10654 mythty    32  17 57416  14m  26m R  4.1  4.0 
> 50:58.88 mythcommflag
> 10706 mythty    33  17 57176  14m  26m R  4.1  4.0 
> 49:26.95 mythcommflag
> 10528 mythty    33  17 58004  15m  26m R  3.0  4.0 
> 55:29.58 mythcommflag
> 10544 mythty    32  17 57768  14m  26m R  3.0  4.0 
> 54:11.15 mythcommflag
> 10628 mythty    32  17 57416  14m  26m R  3.0  4.0 
> 51:32.77 mythcommflag
> 10672 mythty    32  17 57296  14m  26m R  3.0  4.0 
> 50:14.16 mythcommflag
> 10586 mythty    33  17 57652  15m  26m R  2.0  4.0 
> 52:36.24 mythcommflag
> 10698 mythty    32  17 57176  15m  26m R  2.0  4.0 
> 49:47.63 mythcommflag
> 10714 mythty    33  17 57176  14m  26m R  2.0  4.0 
> 49:31.21 mythcommflag
>    31 root      15   0     0    0    0 S  1.0  0.0 
> 10:35.16 kswapd0
>  5179 root      15   0 42624  336 1468 S  1.0  0.1  
> 0:00.16 nscd
> 10492 mythty    33  17 58236  15m  26m R  1.0  4.0 
> 57:30.94 mythcommflag
> 10570 mythty    32  17 57652  14m  26m R  1.0  4.0 
> 52:45.04 mythcommflag
> mythtv:~ # 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Conniffe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 27 February 2005 11:48
> To: ''
> Subject: 0.17 mythcommflag using all processor time
> Hi,
> I noticed that since I've upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17
> that mythfrontend gets
> really slow and eventually can't connect to
> mythbackend (both are the same
> computer).
> The problem seems to be lots of mythcommflag
> processes that are using all
> the processor time.  I didn't have a problem with
> this in 0.16 - and
> actually I don’t do anything with commercial
> flagging at all (so if I could
> disable it?  Maybe mark the channels are commercial
> free?).
> Does anyone have any ideas why mythcommflag has got
> a bit mad?
> Thanks,
> Derek 
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