On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:11:23 -0800, Nav Jagpal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Since an Ubuntu install varies only slightly from a straight Debian install
> I think there is more than just a slight difference between the
> installations. The reason I went with Ubuntu is it doesn't really need
> a walkthrough for the installation - even though I did provide one.
> Most common sound cards and video cards seem to work with the Ubuntu
> installer. I have had a bitch of a time getting straight Debian to
> work with my video card and sound card.
> >You might want to collaborate with Robert.
> I did borrow from his documentation. I'll see if I can get ahold to do
> some collaberation.

I'm glad to see someone focus on Ubuntu. Are you using the default
Gnome, or did you switch to something else.

I wish there was a deb package for ivtv, then the install would almost
be as smooth as an apt-get on FC. My only complaint about the Ubuntu
route is that when I installed the base os, I setup a mythtv user.
When you apt-get install mythtv, it wants to add a mythtv user, and
will bomb if you already have one. Very annoying.

Good luck with your guide.

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