Worked like a champ.... so here's what I did in case anyone else wants to do it:

# wget
# cp -p /sbin/mkinitrd /sbin/mkinitrd-ivtv
# patch /sbin/mkinitrd-ivtv < mkinitrd-ivtv.patch
# cd /boot
# mv initrd-2.6.10-1.766_FC3.img initrd-2.6.10-1.766_FC3.img.ORIG  # just in case....
# mkinitrd-ivtv --ivtvdev /boot/initrd-2.6.10-1.766_FC3.img 2.6.10-1.766_FC3

....then edit /etc/grub.conf and add the 'rhgb' option to it.

Any tips on getting a static "Please wait..." type image instead of the rhgb information?  Just thinking the higher WAF for that than boot messages  :)


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