Niklas Brunlid wrote:

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:21:19 -0700, Shawn Asmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 14:58:34 -0500, Mark J. Scheller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 13:17 +0000, Neil Bird wrote:
 Since upgrading to 0.17 last W/E [ATrpms], mythbackend has died


logs twice. Both times, I'd been fiddling around in mythweb

looking at

recorded items & schedules shortly beforehand.

 *May* not be related, just

very suspicious. I'll check over the W/E

when I'm not worried about losing

the backend to see if I can trigger

it, but in the meantime, anyone else

seen anything like this recently?
Yup, any time I use mythweb and then a recording starts later, mythbackend
croaks. This is since I upgraded to 0.17 and with either the
2.6.9-1.681_FC3 kernel or 2.6.10-1.766_FC3 kernel. By avoiding all access
via mythweb it's been rock solid for many days on end (2.6.9-1.681_FC3
kernel -- just did the upgrade to the latest one and we'll see how it goes).

So you're not alone.....

I've noticed issues with the 0.17 mythweb also. My mythbackend has
died on two separate occasions when I deleted a recording through
mythweb. I've pretty much stopped using mythweb altogether to keep my
system stable.

I have exactly the same situation... had it on my Myth box (combined backend/frontend) both when it was running Gentoo and I upgraded from 0.16, and right now when I'm running FC3 installed using Jarod's guide last week.

My mythweb still runs on another server (used that as a file server and netbooted the Myth box before), but everything else runs on the Myth box.

/ Niklas

I've seen my mythbackend die on a couple different occasions as well. I use mythweb (installed on a separate box from any of my mythtv machines), but I'm not sure if it is the sole cause. If I delete a recording from a frontend (i.e. from the "Watch Recordings" section after viewing one), sometimes the master backend seems to just "go away". I have the mythbackend process set to log "all", but there is no indication of a problem.

Regarding mythweb, I think that it is one of the great features/plugins of MythTV -- I use it to do all my scheduling. However, I've noticed that the backend died on a couple of occasions while both scheduling and deleting recordings from mythweb. Again, nothing in the log file to indicate a problem.

All myth boxes are running Gentoo (2.6.10-gentoo-dev-sources-r7), and mythweb is running on a modified RedHat (2.4x kernel).


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