On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 19:23:08 -0500, Scot L. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Had a problem with the option for volume control.  Errors with
> /dev/mixer.  Device does exist but get following errors:
> 2005-02-21 18:51:59.903 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
> Could not bind to UDP notify port: 6948
> 2005-02-21 18:52:01.844 Opening audio device 'default'.
> ALSA lib control.c:739:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL /dev/mixer
> 2005-02-21 18:52:01.859 Mixer attach error -2: No such file or directory
> Check Mixer Name in Setup: /dev/mixer


Any luck on fixing this?  I have the same problem:

Changed /dev/dsp to ALSA:default and then myth gives an error with
/dev/mixer (set in the lower part of the screen) same as your error. 
Tried to change /dev/mixer to ALSA:default as well and it didn't like
that either.

Any ideas on how to fix this (I have the same problem that using
/dev/dsp, when changing channels, the sound disappears and the video
gets choppy.  Exiting live tv and reentering fixes the problem).


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