Ever since I upgraded to 0.17 with an apt-get upgrade, mplayer has
been behaving weird for me.

At first it would work normally for most things except my digicam avi
files which it would stutter on once a second or so (used to play them
fine), and I see errors like below on the console each time it

alsa-space: xrun of at least 114.184 msecs. resetting stream0.0% 0 0 0%

Now it is doing something even weirder - it will play the first second
or two normally  then rapidly skip through the entire video as if I
was on the highest  fast forward speed.  This happens for DVDs as well
as previously ripped (xvid) movies that used to play just fine.

I tried downgrading just mplayer to some older versions
(1.0-37_pre5try2 and mplayer-1.0-36_pre5), but the problem persisted,
so I'm thinking that maybe its the fault of some library mplayer
depends on, or some hidden config somewhere (I tried deleting

Anyone else having simlar problems, have any ideas as to whats going
on here, or how I can debug it further?
For now I'm just using xine for everything and that seems to work fine.


Matthew Conway
w r 0 n g e r s  a t  g m a i l  d o t  c o m
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